The Sheep Incognito paintings are full of life, fun and are cute while still being a little warped. These 8x10 prints are produced by artist, Conni Togel, and are sure to bring a smile to any sour face.
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Sheep are cuddly and cute - or so we're taught to think...
In fact, they are messengers of insanity and camouflaged comments on social and political happenings. "Sheep Incognito" is my response to the world's changes around us. The casual observer will comment about the whimsy in my work - yes, it's there, but it is really in the deeper interpretation where the true meaning of my work is found. The titles of the paintings are an integral part of my creations - they point the viewer beyond the obvious to the real message of what is visible on the canvas.
Sheep Incognito incorporates cunning allegories packed in woolly wrappings - juxtaposed between reality and fantasy, in a world full of silliness and wry observations. Sharing my artwork was one of my bigger dreams -- and having the opportunity to work as a professional artist has become a reality for me. I’ve been places I never thought I’d be. I’ve seen sunsets I would otherwise have never experienced. And I’ve encountered many, many wonderful people and sheep along the way. Art has enabled me to go beyond my dreams - come along and join the fun!
Conni Tögel
They need to be on T-shirts, too! I need High Strung and Baanzai!