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Sunday, April 01, 2012

April Fool's True Or False

True or False

1) There was a drawing for the Elizabeth Zimmerman Shawl as part of a MS Society fund raiser yesterday, the winner of the shawl was a reality television starlet that lives in the valley of the sun?
True or False?
Answer: False - the lucky winner was Angela Smart who is a star at TYF.

2) Last year on April Fools day, we announced that the shop was going to close and become a motorcycle shop, would you believe that because of Terry's fiber A.D.D. that we will be adding a section of fabric to the shop?
True or False?
Answer: False - Terry isn't the quilter, Fred is and there isn't room for fabric.

3) You've seen Fred write a lot about snowbirds this year,  Fred & Terry have decided to join the flock and will be spending the summer in BC?
True or False?
Answer: False - Nice dream but as Aaron often tells Terry, "it's not in the budget."

4)  Today at TYF when you make a qualifying purchase (spend $20 or more), you will get one extra stamp if you tell Candy an April Fools Joke.
True or False?
Answer: True - Make the jokes good because Candy doesn't know I'm writing this.

5) Mr. B (Braeden) has just completed high school (he was smarter than we thought) and will be returning to work at TYF while attending ASU.
True or False?
Answer: False - I wish this were true but Mr. B is growing corn in Iowa for the foreseeable future.

6)  Meghan, our in house lumber jack, will be moving back east later this month.
True or False?
Answer: True - Meghan will be following her lumber jack love of her life later this month back east.  We will miss her.

7) The recent sheep shearing at the Farm at the End of the Road was so much fun that Fred has decided to purchase a farm and raise sheep in Queen Creek.
True or False?
Answer: False - Can you really see Fred working on a farm, get real. We will continue to support the great folks at The Farm at the End of the Road where the shearing was a huge success.

8) Amanda will be applying to compete in the next American Idle?
True or False?
Answer: False - She has a lovely voice but couldn't be away from Aaron.

9) For the summer months, TYF will be closing early.
True or False?
Answer: False - Fred just ordered new business cards and Amanda's offer to change them with her magic marker was rejected.  We'll be open 10-8pm Monday-Saturday and Sunday noon to 5pm for your shopping pleasure.

10) Tempe Yarn & Fiber will be opening a second shop somewhere in the valley of the sun in 2013.
True or False?
Answer: True - We are looking at different locations where we could expand in the future in the south valley.

More Falses than Trues...hummmm.   April Fools!

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