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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Mystery Knitalong Blanket Pattern Is Now Available as the"Q&A: A Lap Blanket"

This pattern was originally designed for a Mystery Knitalong (Mystery Blanket) and is now available as the "Q&A: A Lap Blanket". As we developed it, we thought this project could be used as a teaching or learning tool because it steps you through different stitch patterns. For each section of the blanket, you will be presented with a question. Your answer to that question will determine which stitch pattern you work over that area, so your blanket will be a “ewe+nique” reflection of you.

"Q&A: A Lap Blanket"

The story line of the Q&A: A Lap Blanket
Life is a mystery. Life is unpredictable. Life is a pathway. Life is about the big things. Life is about the little things. Our day-to-day lives create a picture of who we are. We all have things about us that people can see right away when they first meet us and those that people can’t see unless they look closely or take some time to get to know us.

Knitting and purling stitches together creates patterns. Small patterns come together to make up the larger picture. HMMMM………this is how we all are, too. We are each and all a wonderful collection of patterns.

We all have things in common that connect us, and we each have things that make us different and individual.

We welcome you to celebrate a common love of knitting and challenge as you create your own ewe+nique stitch sampler in this blanket.

There will be questions that correspond to each the 14 Sections that will make up your blanket. As you prepare to work each Section, choose the answer that fits you best and then see the corresponding pattern instructions that will tell you how to proceed with your knitting for that Section.

If you missed out doing the Mystery Blanket Knitalong, this is your chance to be part of Tempe Yarn history!

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