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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Happy Birthday Tempe Yarn & Fiber

Where were you on March 4, 2006? Many of you came to check out the "new yarn shop" (Tempe Yarn & Fiber) in Tempe, Arizona.

On our first day we opened with help from friends and family.

Our motto was "Come Watch Us Grow."
As you can tell from these early pictures we had a long way to go to fill the space.

Here's a photo of our first of many gatherings.

And grow we did.

In May of 2007 we moved across the parking lot to a larger space and have never looked back.

Over the past three years our customers have purchased enough yarn to circle the earth over 90 times at the equator, enough books to fill a small public library and almost a ton of fiber. Teaching became a cornerstone of our business as we've taught nearly 3500 men, women and children either knitting, crochet, spinning or other related skills.

We've shared many adventures, including two retreats, 3 baseball games (Stitch N' Pitch), yarn tastings, pot lucks, New Years Day parties, spin-ins at local malls, knit alongs and discovered the joy of mysteries (spinning, crochet and knitting). We've had dye days and halloween costume contests, a fiber to shawl day, held a knit in public photo contest, made hundreds of photos of customer made items, had fun on talk like a pirate day and provided direct support for various charities (i.e. Ronald McDonald, Project Linus), .

Thanks to you we have grown a community that reflects our philosophy and meets your needs. Your loyality, laughs, encouragement, participation and business has allowed us to remain in business and have a lot of fun doing it.

Thanks for the first three years and we look forward to the next 23 years together!

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