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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tempe Yarn & Fiber
Charity Knit & Crochet Projects

Sharing your knitting or crocheting talents with others is a wonderful way to make a positive impact on our community. Beginning August 3, 2009 Tempe Yarn and Fiber will be expanding our charity knitting to include a charity knit and crochet night. This social knitting/crochet group will meet every Monday evening from 6 to 8 pm to continue making items for our ongoing charity (Ronald McDonald House), and to begin our new goal of making items for a second, rotating charity that will change every two months.

We will post the selected charity, needed items, and a deadline date for collection of the finished items on the blog and in our “In the Know” newsletters. If you like, you can knit/crochet with the group on Monday nights, or you can make items on your own. Either way, we will set aside one week every two months to collect the items here at TYF before we send them along to the chosen charity.

If you would rather not participate in the current monthly project, keep in mind that TYF’s ongoing store charity, Ronald McDonald House, takes any of the following knitted and/or crocheted items year round and TYF is a drop off point for them:

washcloths, dishcloths, lap blankets, baby blankets, toys, preemie hats, infant socks, slippers (all sizes), children’s hats & scarves

To kick things off, the August-September project will benefit the Chrysalis Foundation, and participants will make and donate felted Booga Bags and/or contribute items to fill them.

For more detailed information on the Chrysalis Foundation, see below. We will knit/crochet for this charity from August 3 - September 28. We will collect the Booga Bags from September 28 to October 3. (Any items dropped off after October 3 will go to Ronald McDonald House or, if appropriate, to the charity chosen next.)

TYF and Chrysalis--Booga Bags with a Purpose

Over twenty-seven years ago, a woman opened up her home as a safe house for both women and children who had been victimized by domestic violence. Within three years, funding was received to expand these services into a 24-hour crisis shelter. The shelter was appropriately named Chrysalis – defined as the growth that creates an independent being.

Chrysalis programs now include two crisis shelters, transitional housing, outpatient counseling, victim advocacy, legal advocacy, and community education and prevention programs. Chrysalis helps close to 1,400 individuals annually.

Often, when women and children come into shelter they bring nothing more than the clothes on their backs. With the help of their dedicated and supportive customers, TYF is looking forward to supporting Chrysalis’ clients by providing the most basic necessities. Now through the end of September, we are asking interested customers to participate by creating a Booga Bag and including new and unopened personal hygiene items or small, new articles of clothing. Participants may elect to make a Booga Bag and donate it empty, make a bag and fill it, or donate items to go in empty bags.

Here are a few suggestions to donate or to fill the bags with: Flip Flops or Slippers / New undergarments / Sleepwear/ Books / Journals / Cosmetics / Hair products (including hair dye) / Personal hygiene items (deodorant, hair brushes, tooth brushes, etc.) / Feminine hygiene products / Over-the-counter medication

Feel free to have a good time with the bags and items. Perhaps your bag is inspired by a sunny day at the beach and the colors reflect blue skies/sun and include a pair of flip flops. Perhaps your bag is the ultimate Boy Scout and is “always prepared”. Maybe your bag will feature a needle–felted butterfly expressing the transformation that many of these women and children experience while participating in one of Chrysalis’ programs.

Why Chrysalis? Chrysalis has been serving the Valley for almost three decades; they have reached tens of thousands of lives during this time. In addition, Jodie Weisenberg, one of our TYF loyalists, has served as Chrysalis’ Special Projects Manager for over three years. We are happy to be able to support such a worthy cause and one of our very own TYFers.

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