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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Word of Mouth Is The Best Form of Advertising

Over the past four years YOU, our customers, have been the best form of advertising. Through your comments and recommendations to others we have continued to grow. Now we would like to make it easier for you to continue to help spread the word.

On the back of our new business cards we've added a "Refer a Friend". All you have to do is simply hand these out to new potential customers and write your name on the bottom.

When the new person (someone who isn't already in our system) comes in and gives us the card, we drop their referral card into a drawing. Every 25 business cards we receive, we will draw one lucky card and both names on the card (your and the new person) will receive a $25 TYF gift card.

Our hope is to continue to expand the Tempe Yarn Community.

Here's what the card looks like:

Stop by and pick up some of the new business cards and help us grow.

1 comment:

  1. Darn it i did that at the airport on my way to Stitches South! bummer i didn't even think about putting my name on the card! just was so happy to advertise you guys! cause we know I love the store!
