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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Who Would You Want to Be Stranded On a Desert Island With ....

if you wanted to learn "Freeform"?  Sorry I had to limit your dream, I saw where it was going!  I vote for Terry.

So what is Freeform?  No it's not yoga.  Let's go back to the desert island for a minute.

Since there is nothing else on the island but yarn, needles and hooks (don't worry about where these came from it's a dream), what can you do.  Well you could do a knitting project or a crochet project, but why not Freeform it.  Freeform is like mixing peanut butter and jelly together.  They are good separate but put them together and you have something special. 

Freeform combines crochet and/or knitting that encompasses a number of creative techniques using a wide variety of stitches and fibers without a pattern. Freeform differs from traditional crochet and knitting in that fabic is created in pieces and then put together to form the garment as opposed to following a set linear pattern. 

Does Freeform appeal to your creative side?   Are you the type who likes to jump into a project and learn it all?  Now truth in adverstising - I don't have a desert island, but I do have a chance for you to learn freeform in a focused two 1/2 day class at Fibers in Time.

Terry Neal, owner of Tempe Yarn, will be teaching Free Form, or Art in Revolution (Evolution) at the 2012 Fibers Through Time.  The two 1/2 day desert island escape (class) will be held on April 20th -22nd at the InnPlace Phoenix North. 

However, if you want to enjoy this escape you have to act now.  The registration ends February 4th.  So don't be left in the lifeboat, sign up today. 

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