Tempe Yarn & Fiber is proud to sponsor the "Pink Knockers" (Andrea Stroud, Denise Easter, Krystle Andreen and Nichole Slagle) in the Arizona Susan G. Komen 3-Day walk to fight breast cancer November 9-11.
To participate in this walk each team member had to raise a $2,300 entry fee. These ladies, in addition to training, were very successful in their fund raising efforts. So while we raised $2,000 for the team, they only needed $360 to get everyone to the $2,300 entry fee.
What to do with the funds left over? Instead of donating a lump sum to our team that doesn't need it, after talking with Ilene, a Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk coach, we are going to follow her she suggestion of "pay it forward." As she explained when a walker is near their goal, but not at the $2,300 mark, they are allowed to walk if they sign an agreement that they will continue to fund raise for the next 30 days and then pay the balance due.
So as the Pink Knockers walk they are going to attempt to identify other team's walkers who are near their goal, but need a little more to meet the goal. In parallel, we'll be looking too for walkers. Based on the situation we'll then make a donation until the funds are used. By "paying it forward" we'll still be donating to this breast cancer fighting cause, while helping a lot more walkers met their goal.
We need to hand out some special thanks to those who worked to make this happen. Thanks go to:
Andrea Stroud for being a walker, Bev Walker for bringing the suggestion to sponsor the team to TYF, KCL Wood, Namaste, Studio One, Woolhalla Tunis, SDG Creations, Green Bean Glass & Stone, Design-A-Shirt, Christina Sky, Nancy P, Lorri V, Jane B, Christie C, Paige L, Susan A and Bev W for making donations. Plus, our great customers who supported this effort.
Now the hard part begins, good luck Pink Knockers!! If you want to cheer for the walkers, click here to see the walking map.
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