Felted Embellished Earrings WorkshopSaturday May 23rd (10am to 1pm) In the first half of the workshop you'll learn to create your own felted beads using wool roving. The class will cover wet felting round beads, piercing them and adding the findings necessary to create a pair of earrings.
In the second half, you'll learn to wet felt around a core object to create a fun pair of spiral earrings.
Then you will embellish both pairs of earrings with seed beads and discuss other embellishment options. These techniques, once learned, can be applied to a variety of other jewelry projects. You'll go home with two pairs of completed earrings.There are several spaces still open for this class call to reserve your space.
Felted Treasure Brooch Workshop
Saturday May 23rd (2pm to 5pm)
In this workshop you'll learn to wet felt around a small object, then cut part of the felt away, creating a bezel that reveals your treasure beneath. Further embellishment possibilities will be presented using beads and decorative stitching. You'll take hope a wearable brooch and the skills to create more complex treasure felted pieces.
There are 3 seats left in this class. Call if you want to join this small group.
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