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Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Family Reunion of the Edefedd Tiggy-Winkles Was A Huge Success

Over the past few months, Tempe Yarn customers have made "one-of-a-kind" hedgehogs, based on characters created in a delightful family tree by Tim Logan, using the "Huggable Hedgehog" pattern from Fiber Trends.

On Saturday the Edefedd Tiggy-Winkles' Family Reunion was held at TYF. After the reunion, 33+ hedgehogs were presented to the Ronald McDonald House for gifts to visiting children.

We want to recognize the wonderfully creative mind of Tim Logan, whose desire to help those less fortunate challenged us to make a difference by making these amazing hedgehogs.

(Tim Logan and Leslie Tan, Ronald McDonald House)

Equally important to the success of this project are the wonderful Tempe Yarn customers.
Without their time, hard work and creativity there would have been no hedgehogs. Thanks go to: Heather, Cora Lee, Kelly, Nicole, Sam, Robin, Jen, Mandy, Teri, Andrea, Nancy P., Candy, Tara, Leanne, Debra, Jodie, Bev, Kim, Nancy L., Angela, Pit, Kathy, Rachel, Candace, Allari, Jill, Jamie and Francine (if I've missed your name please let me know).

Finally, Uncle Joe (shown below) was donated by Teri , an artist out of California, and will be used as the prize in a drawing for the Ronald McDonald House.

Tickets for the "Uncle Joe Drawing" will be available from October 31st through November 7th for a $5 donation.

To see all of the individual hedgehog photos, click here.

Here's the Story Behind the Edefedd Tiggy-Winkles:

"The Edefedd Tiggy-Winkles have long been the subject of muttered whisperings and speculations as to actually why the family was, as they say, "The 'way' they are!" To the current generation of Edefedd Tiggy-Winkles this attention is either rigorously avoided or exuberantly sought out. It simply depends on the tilt of their Tiggy-Winkle spines.

For my part I am quite pleased to be an Edefedd Tiggy-Winkle thank you very much. No, wait, I dare say, I am Proud to be an Edefedd Tiggy-Winkle! I have long wanted to write a true, accurate, and historical account of the Edefedd Tiggy-Winkles, but must confess, what with all that hibernating and shopping by night stuff, it's been slow to get the word out among the hedge rows. I have been able to gather some details as far back as Great-grandfather Woolstuck Edefedd Tiggy-Winkle and will share what I can for those who want to know. And for those of you who don't want to know - oh, hedgefarkle, just go sleep away the winter in your plain, blaugh little spineys! "

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